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On August 23rd, 2024, Downtown Eagle River was nominated as a Historic District which is now protected by the National Parks Service and allows the members of the Historic District to apply for tax credits at both the State and Federal level that can be directed to their rehabilitation and restoration. With the new district being nominated it allows for Eagle River to not only focus on the direct preservation of our heritage, but promotes a sense of belonging and community that long term residents or new arrivals can equate themselves with. Below are the state and community partners outside of the Eagle River Historical Society that really made this entire project possible. 

The Eagle River Revitalization Program is a local organization that seeks to renew and maintain the character and business ventures of Eagle River by means of outreach, community involvement, and renewal. The program looks to stimulate growth and support existing businesses and organizations. E.R.R.P. applied for the Main Street Program Grant to instigate, steward, and complete.

Main Street America leads a collaborative movement with partners and grassroots leaders that advances shared prosperity, creates resilient economies, and improves quality of life through place-based economic development and community preservation in downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts across the country. The Main Street program is the organization that awarded the grant to the E.R.R.P.

The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) and the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) have provided the nessicary expertise through consultants and professional relations the National Park Service to get downtown Eagle River as a Historic District that is on the National Register. They also serve as an important information source in regards to tax credits and their application to historic structures.


As of now this is the map of the historic district downtown, and while it may not have all of the "known" historic buildings included, it has the potential to expand or for individual buildings to be nominated. Upon nomination, structures are eligible to apply for tax credits to rehabilitate their structure. Click the button below to learn more about how to apply for those tax credits, where they apply, and who to contact to do so!